All Classes and Interfaces

The Class AbstractAutoFilterConstraint.
A converger allows to set after which amount of unchanged progress the IOptimization is stopped.
Immutable implementation of AbstractAlgorithmPluginResultStatus.
Builds instances of type AlgorithmPluginResultStatus.
This class provides the constructor for a compressed IO.
This IResource is the unit in the Optimization that is visiting the INode and doing the work.
Builds instances of type ConstructionOptimizationAlgorithmConfig.
The DefaultFlatEarthAverageSpeedBackupElementConnector is the default implementation used as IBackupElementConnector by the INodeEdgeConnector.
The Class DefaultOptimizationScheme.
This class can be used to export the results in a .kml format which can be used in Google Earth.
Immutable implementation of AbstractErrorCodeValidationSetting.
Builds instances of type ErrorCodeValidationSetting.
This class describes Eventnodes which have no location.
Util methods to extract objects from result of optimization
Builds instances of type HeuristicOptimizationAlgorithmConfig.
This interface provides methods in order to filter out Nodes for specific filter reasons.
The Interface IBackupElementConnector which is used if the INodeEdgeConnector if a requested connection cannot be found.
This interface provides the basic methods to set and get the appropriate parameters for the IResource like average speed, setting an alternate destination, setting acceptable overtime etc.
The Interface IConnectionByTimeStore.
Constraints are limits set on the INode which require the servicing IResource to have the fitting IQualification.
A ConstraintResource is a Constraint that can be added to a INode which then sets that given IResource as a hard preferred Constraint for that Node.
This interface of the converger allows to set an iteration treshold after which the Optimisation is stopped if the cost does not change.
This interface defines the methods to set the work schedules IOpeningHours and IWorkingHoursfor all the different INode and IResource.
This enables to clearly distinguish between several instances of IDutyHours, since WorkingHours and OpeningHours have their own flavour.
An Entity contains all ILogicEntityRoute, IResource, INode etc.
This interface provides methods to export an IEntity in an IEntityContainer and to set the title.
please use OptimizationJSONExporter instead
This interface provides methods that help to track the last invoked IOperator, which last Operator was able to realize lower costs and by what amount.
This interface provides the method to infer to the cause in case of an IErrorEvent.
The Interface IExternalConnectionProvider.
The Enum JSONConnectionSerializationMode.
This interface defines the methods to get the message and the respective statuscode in WarningCode, StatusCode and ErrorCode.
This interface provides the method to get the code of the InfoEvent.
The Interface IJoinedDetailHelper.
The Interface IJoinedEntityDetailController.
The Interface IJoinedRouteDetailController.
The Interface IJOptImporter.
This interface deals with so far uncaught Exceptions.
The Interface ILoad.
The Interface ILoadCapacity.
This Interface provides the methods to get information about certain Route IOptimizationElements like the INodes, the IResource, getting the IDutyHours and much more.
The Interface IlogicRouteElementDetailItem carried by an ILogicRouteElement which is only created when ILogicEntityRoute#setRequestElementDetails(boolean) is set to true.
Marks the status of the Resource an respect to the specific Node.
This class
The Interface INode.
This interface INode2NodeRelation allows to define MasterNodes and RelatedNodes.
This interface provides methods to enforce same or different visitors.
This interface provides additional methods for the comparison of the working start of masterNode and the relatedNode.
This interface provides methods to enforce same or different visitors.
The NodeColor can be added to a Node.
A INodeConnectorItem holds the two Strings of the start and the target location.
The Interface INodeConnector.
This interface provides methods to set a certain quotient of penalty points, if this threshold of a INodeFilterReason has been surpassed the Node can be filtered out and put into another Route.
This interface provides the methods to unassign a INode from an ILogicEntityRoute.
An Exception thrown because an element (like nodes) found to be invalid during creation
An Exception thrown because on startup no valid entity is present.
An Exception thrown because either no or no valid licence has been found at the target location.
The purpose of this interface is to have a clear distinction between IOpeningHours and IWorkingHours.
The interface IOptimization is the framework for the optimization run and provides methods to set the license, properties, the scheme, adding elements and start the run (sync.
The IOptimizationElement is the super class of INode and IResource.
The OptimizationElementFlavour.
The listener interface for receiving IOptimizationEvent events.
The Interface IOptimizationImporter.
This interface provides methods for the IOptimization to have input and output possibilities via InputStream and OutputStream.
The Interface IOptimizationOutcome.
This interfaces provides a way of accessing the current progress.
The interface to get the result of the IOptimization ordered by arrival and with a detailed summary.
The Interface IOptimizationScheme.
This interface provides methods necessary for PillarNodes.
This interface provides additional methods to the IPillarNode in order to allow setting the Pillar to a forcedStayNode or an anchorNode.
The Interface IPNDItem is the super interface for ILoad and ILoadCapacity.
Qualifications are skills that can be added.
The Interface IRealTimeManager.
The Interface IRelationshipController.
The resources are required to execute a schedule as returned by the IOptimization.
The Interface IResourceDepot.
The Interface IRouteFinalizer.
The Interface ITimedLoad extends ILoad.
This interface IViolations describes behavior the Optimizer is supposed to avoid like Resources being too late, Nodes not being skipped etc.
This interface provides methods which allow to get information on the summary about the IViolation, time, distance, type and cost.
The interface IWorkingHours.
This class is an extension of AbstractCostConverger and defines convergence (unchanged joined cost over several iterations).
This class is an extension of AbstractCostConverger and defines convergence (unchanged joined cost over several iterations).
An uncompressed IO through Json.
The Class LegacyCallbackSubscriber.
The Class LogicEntityRouteComparators is a collection of different comparators for routes.
This class puts a hard preferred constraint of a Resource on a Node so that the specified Resource is supposed to visit said Node.
The Class MatrixLegacyWrapper.
The Class RestockLoad.
This interface provides methods which allow to set relations between INodes concerning the specific IResource visiting them.
The Class NodeColor.
This class allows to limit the number of Nodes of specific INodeColor that a Resource is giving service to.
The Class NodeColors is a collection of predefined NodeColors.
A node connector is holding a table of INodeConnectorItem which hold the two Strings of the start and the end location.
A NodeEdgeConnnectorItem holds the two Strings of the start and the end location.
The Class NodeSplitter.
The hours in which INode can be given service by IResource.
Immutable implementation of AbstractOpenLocation.
Builds instances of type OpenLocation.
Convert locations to and from convenient short codes.
Coordinates of a decoded Open Location Code.
In the Optimization the ILicenseManager and the IOptimizationScheme are set, all the INode, IResource and Properties are added and the IEntity can be accessed.
Immutable implementation of AbstractOptimizationAlgorithmPluginResult.
Builds instances of type OptimizationAlgorithmPluginResult.
The listener interface for receiving optimizationEvent events.
The Class OptimizationEvents provides access to events occurring during the optimization and are backed by multiple ReplaySubject and a CompletableFuture.
This provides methods in order import an IOptimization as a JSON file.
A way of accessing the current progress.
The Class RapoptResult.
The Class OptimizationVersionHelper.
The Class OptionalOperatorTuningScheme.
This class describes an EventNode that is also a Pillar.
A TimeWindowGeoNode which, if not reached in time, will be skipped entirely by unassigning it.
This class puts a preferred constraint of a IResource on a INode.
Immutable implementation of AbstractReducedNodeEdgeConnectorItem.
Builds instances of type ReducedNodeEdgeConnectorItem.
This class allows for Nodes having relative time windows.
This interface provides methods which allow to set relations between INodes concerning the specific IResource visiting them.
The Class CapacityLimitedResourceDepot.
The Enum SupplyConflictStrategy.
This class can be used to export the results in a .kml format which can be used in Google Earth.
The Class TimeWindow.
The TimeWindowGeoNode is a normal INode.
This class allows setting IConstraint on INode.
TypeQualification can be added to IResource so it can provide its service to an INode that is constrained to Resources that have said qualification.
The Enum SkillWithExpertiseCostModel.
This class allows to limit Resources to only give service to Nodes within a specific set of Postcodes in the UK.
This class allows to add Constraints to Nodes so that only Resources from certain UK postcode areas are allowed to give them service.
This class allows to give Resources the Qualification to give service to Nodes in the specifice UK postcode areas.
A factory for creating Violation objects.
The Class ViolationSummary.
This class describes the hours a IResource is allowed to work.